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IoT LoRaWAN® LPWAN Guest Blog Approved Standard

Ask Your Smart Metering National Committee to Approve LoRaWAN as a CEN Standard

Goal: Have LoRaWAN Recognized as a CEN Standard
We need your help!

Members of the Technical Committee have worked within the CEN (European Committee for Standardization), TC294 (Communications Systems for Meters)—responsible for the wM-Bus protocol—to develop a new mechanism in this standard, the M-Bus Adaptation Layer to transport M-Bus payloads over an LPWAN technology.

LoRaWAN is suitable for this approach, described in the newly defined EN 13757-8 standard.

The formal CEN vote is open until May 4, 2023.

We encourage you to email your National Committee responsible for Smart Metering activities and ask that they vote in favor of this new standard.


Step 1: Find your National CEN Representative

  • Open this list of CEN members (National Standardization Body) to find the representative from your European Country

  • Click on the representative’s name to find their contact info


Step 2: Personalize the letter to your representative

  • Insert the representative’s name

  • Insert your company name

  • Insert your European country name

  • Insert your signature


Step 3: Email the letter!


Step 4: Tell us you have emailed the letter

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- December 21, 2023

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